Thursday, February 16, 2012

Today's Scratch

This is the first post from Pulp and Juice. So it would be a good idea to explain the purpose of this blog.
This blog is intended for all things pulp. People have a view of pulp as pertaining to some specific genre, but historically, pulp was known for for its overblown style and sensational cover-art than for any genre. Being short stories with a tall punch, something accessible to the every-man. That was pulp.

But pulp comes with juice. The juice is what a writer is on when they get into that pulpy groove. Every writer, no matter the genre, has to have the juice to write if the story wants to punch the reader in the chest. The juice isn't anything you can pour in a cup, but a mug or a shot-glass can definitely bring out the juice. It's the juice that makes a character real, or puts the smells of a restaurant in the reader's nose.

This is a blog that can put readers in touch with writers, with interviews about the writing process. It allows other writers to share what they know, and promote their work. And periodically, it will share tips about self-publishing that both readers and writers can benefit from.

And, of course, there will be open submissions for short stories, called the "Saturday Penny Dreadful"
If you would like to be interviewed, guest-write or submit a story, please send an email to Pulp and Juice

1 comment:

  1. I can almost hear the S*Q*U*I*S*H*H*H around here Liam ~ It's that pulpy-juicy.

    Lookin' forward to all you pour forth. Damn nice start, buddy. ~ Absolutely*Kate
